Today is Palm Sunday and the first day of the Holy Week. This day is celebrated as the remembrance of when Jesus Christ entered into Jerusalem as Savior and King. Christ rode as a humble man on a donkey into the town of Jerusalem, but was received by a large crowd that laid palm branches and their cloaks across along his path, similar to the way royalty was treated. The multitude that received him shouted “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!”.
No doubt that for many Christians and especially Catholics, this is one of the days that even the light followers of faith go to their churches and house of worship. The last three days of Holy Week hold great meaning as well. First, Holy Thursday is known as the day of the Last Supper and Maundy (the washing the feet). This is the fifth day of Holy Week and also represents 40th and last day of lent (lent is observed by many religions around the world).

Palm Sunday
The following and second of the final three days is known as Good Friday. Despite the name it is the day of the remembrance of the crucification fo Jesus Christ. This is a day of penance and sacrifice. Finally, the third or better yet the seventh day of Holy Week is known as Holy Saturday. Many refer to it has the Great Sabbath, which is the day that Jesus Christ rest in his tomb.
The culmination of Holy Week is immediately followed by Easter Sunday. This is day that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ and perhaps the most important day of Christian faith.