The Amazon jungle is the ‘lung of the planet’ that works worse every year. The activity of multinational companies of various types causes serious damage to the world’s largest forest, causing deforestation and presenting other environmental threats. The destruction of Amazonian forests not only affects nature, but ancestral inheritances.
Little is said about who exactly is behind this problem?
One of these is the North Corridor, a Brazilian-Dutch initiative to transport soybeans. Although the plan was announced as sustainable, the areas in which the green of nature used to predominate have been overshadowed by the construction of transport infrastructure.
More than that, internal documents reveal that the Dutch Government is fully aware of the consequences and recognizes all the dangers for the indigenous population and the environment. The murder of Brazilian activist Paulo Nascimento, 47, clouded the story more. From the defense they suspect that the company is behind this crime.
All the companies of the great world powers cause pollution, environmental deterioration and the extinction of the people in his country, so stressed Paulo Nascimento, that for that reason his people, referring to his tribe, are struggling to defend their territory and not accept any kind of extractivism.

Garbage in the Negro River, one of the tributaries of the Amazon River, Brazil.
Another indigenous tribe, Xikrin, also suffers the consequences of pollution. This community, which lives thanks to the Cateté River, is currently on the verge of extinction. The company Mineração Onça Puma, one of the largest producers of nickel in the world, began to extract that metal in nearby hills. As a result, its pollution reached the river, affecting the community.