Detoxify your body after the holidays?

Detoxify your body after the holidays?

During the holidays, not only does weight gain, the level of toxins harmful to health is also increased. This situation can cause fatigue or intestinal problems, to avoid them it is important that you detoxify your body.

According to a study conducted by the Monte Sinai School of Medicine Hospital, toxins present in the environment (air, food, water and soil) end up in our body over the years.

Inside out cleaning

However, how to cleanse your body of toxins? Here are some keys:

1. Exercise. Sweat is one of the simplest and most effective ways to detoxify your body.

2. Eat five or more detoxifying foods every day: apple, artichoke, banana, watercress, avocado, beet, cruciferous, garlic, tofu and plums.

3. Undertake a two-week detoxification plan with healthy food, both solid and liquid. If you drastically reduce your calorie intake, your body will produce more toxins due to the stress caused by caloric reduction.

Remember that your health is in your hands. Do not forget, do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today. Take care!