Michael Jackson’s former bodyguard has claimed that the singer ‘predicted’ the coronavirus pandemic, which is why he was frequently pictured wearing a face mask whilst out and about.

Whilst it’s obviously true that Jacko didn’t directly predict this exact pandemic, his former employee Matt Fiddes said that he continually wore a mask, despite taking a fair bit of stick for it, because he was aware of the potential for infectious viruses to spread in that manner, and wanted to protect himself from it.
The 41-year-old told The Sun: “He knew that a natural disaster was always there. He was very aware and would always predict that we could be wiped out at any time. That a germ that could spread.

“So he would go through four countries in one day sometimes and he was on airplanes with people all the time.”
Matt even said that he’d asked Michael to stop wearing the face coverings jokingly because he didn’t want to be pictured alongside him whilst he was masked up because it was embarrassing.

He continued: “He would say, ‘Matt I can’t get ill, I can’t let my fans down. I’ve got concerts coming up. I’m on this earth for a reason. I mustn’t damage my voice, I’ve got to stay healthy, I don’t know who I’m going to encounter today, I don’t know what I might pass on’.”
Fiddes went on to claim that – if Jackson were alive – he’d say ‘I told you so’ to everyone who is now forced to wear a mask by law to stop the spread of the coronavirus.
Jackson died aged 50 in 2009.

The bodyguard also went on to say that the singer would find the situation frustrating, because nobody had listened to him and ‘people didn’t take him seriously’.
He explained how Jackson wasn’t actually a germophobe, but wanted to take every precaution to protect his singing voice so as not to leave his fans disappointed.
Well, given what we now know about the coronavirus, and the new-found understanding that the general population has about how these viruses and germs can be spread, there’s probably a few people who owe Michael an apology.
As for the situation nowadays, it goes without saying that you should continue to wear your face mask when you’re out and about, particularly indoors.
On top of that, you should stay at home wherever possible, and only go out for essential purposes.