Tag: actress

Golden Girls Betty White dies at age 99

Golden Girls Betty White dies at age 99

One TV's most iconic actress and Golden Girls perennial star, died at the age 99. "Even though Betty was about to be 100, I thought she would live ...
Two actresses caught in a network of bribes to access elite universities in the US

Two actresses caught in a network of bribes to access elite universities in the US

At least 50 people have been indicted for a scandal of millionaire bribes to obtain the access of their children to elite universities in the United S ...
Margot Kidder’s known as Lois Lane in Superman Died at 69

Margot Kidder’s known as Lois Lane in Superman Died at 69

Watch Margot Kidder's Sassy Screen Test as Lois Lane to Christopher Reeve's Superman BY DANA ROSE FALCONE•@DANAROSEFALCONE Many actresses ...