Tag: Federal Court

Puerto Rico Fiscal Board all Tricks and No Treats for Congress
In July 2019, Sens. Elizabeth Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat, and Bernie Sanders, a Vermont independent, introduced a bill that would give the US te ...

PROMESA Board Selective Process, Bad Actors, Congress and Distrust
On Wednesday April 24th, in Federal court located in San Juan and streamed live via close circuit to a Federal court in New York City, Judge ...

Rally to Cancel Puerto Rico’s Debt – #CancelTheDebt
On March 13th, in the Southern District Federal Court of New York at 500 Pearl St. a group of citizens initially gathered inside the cou ...

Fiscal Board members are declared unconstitutional
The Court of Appeals of the First Circuit of Boston revoked Judge Laura Taylor Swain, who will now have 90 days to declare unconstitutional the appoin ...

Successful Movement Against COFINA Negotiations
After hours of demonstration, spokespersons from several sectors described the expression of opposition against the agreement of the Fund of Interest ...