Judge approved Puerto Rico bankruptcy exit may mean more economic hardship for Puerto Ricans
US federal judge Laura Taylor Swain this week approved an adjustment plan to restructure Puerto Rico's public debt, so that the island ends the bankr ...

Puerto Rico Tentative Debt Secret Deals
The Fiscal Oversight and Management Board overseeing Puerto Rico’s debt restructuring have reached a tentative agreement with bondholders that moves t ...

NYC Bar Association Presents on Puerto Rico “Broken PROMESA?”
New York, NY - Today, in the New York City Bar Associate, sponsored by its own committee known as the Puerto Rico Task Force, a presentation was held ...

Puerto Rico Fiscal Board all Tricks and No Treats for Congress
In July 2019, Sens. Elizabeth Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat, and Bernie Sanders, a Vermont independent, introduced a bill that would give the US te ...

Puerto Rican’s across the country demand Ricardo Rossello to resign
The walls of La Fortaleza rumbled last night with shouts of "Ricky, resign!" And "Out, out!" shouted by thousands of protesters who came to Old San Ju ...

PROMESA Board Selective Process, Bad Actors, Congress and Distrust
On Wednesday April 24th, in Federal court located in San Juan and streamed live via close circuit to a Federal court in New York City, Judge ...

Judge Swain Rules on Puerto Rico’s COFINA Bonds
On Monday, February 4th Judge Laura Taylor Swain, judge presiding the Bankruptcy hearings for The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, indicated she ...

COFINA The Offshore Wallstreet Heist
During the COFINA trial at the United States District Court in San Juan, Puerto Rico, the trial had a consistent tone. Brian Rosen, from Pro ...

Successful Movement Against COFINA Negotiations
After hours of demonstration, spokespersons from several sectors described the expression of opposition against the agreement of the Fund of Interest ...

Puerto Rico COFINA Bonds and Forgotten Detroit
The deal presented to Judge Laura Taylor Swain today to renegotiate the obligations to be paid out under COFINA bonds is in retrospect an extremely ge ...