Tag: Stocks

AT&T divesting WarnerMedia to focus on growing telecom and internet services
There are power moves from the major telecom company AT&T which will shift their focus to their core businesses. Currently AT&T is a major pl ...

NYC Mayor celebrates, Mandates force 9,000 city workers out their jobs, Pfizer stocks soars
NEW YORK - Approximately 9,000 New York City public workers were put on unpaid leave for choosing to defend their civil liberties over the Mayor's "N ...

Sundial Growers with close to $1 Billion in Cash
First positive quarterly earnings from operations in the Company's history
CALGARY, AB, May 11, 2021 /PRNewswire/ - Sundial Growers Inc. (NASDAQ: ...

Sundial Growers make huge investments, are they good to buy?
Sundial Growers (ticker: SNDL) has gained much interest by both investors and speculators alike. Their stock initially gained some great momentum dur ...

Parents sue Robinhood after son commits’ suicide due to lost money
Alex Kearns, a 20-year-old from Illinois, committed suicide last June after seeing an apparent negative balance of $730,000 on his Robinhood account, ...

JC Penny’s revived by new management and searching for new CEO
JCPenney department stores (new ticker symbol CPPRQ) has new owners and they are searching for a new leader to replace chief executive officer Jill S ...

Trading platforms TD, Robinhood and others suspected to collude against small investors to protect big money
TD Ameritrade, Robinhood and other trading platforms have restricted access to GameStop, AMC, and "other securities" as retail traders continue to se ...

BP Increase Investments in Green Energy with projections of 12GW through 13 Countries
The long term survival of companies depends greatly on their ability to pivot and change their business with the changing times. BP (British Petroleu ...

UN removes cannabis from list of dangerous drugs, opening door for further research and legalization
A United Nations commission has finally decided that medicinal cannabis is less dangerous than risky narcotics such as heroin. The long-delayed decis ...

Why the DOW has gone up over 124 years?
In the event that you didn't notice, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI) crossed 30,000 for the first time ever last week.
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