Tag: US Congress

Supreme Court rule against Puerto Rico benefits is Biden’s fail promise
United States v. Vaello Madero, which the Supreme Court decided on Thursday, April 21st, is a heartbreaking case. It asks whether many of the poorest ...

Judge approved Puerto Rico bankruptcy exit may mean more economic hardship for Puerto Ricans
US federal judge Laura Taylor Swain this week approved an adjustment plan to restructure Puerto Rico's public debt, so that the island ends the bankr ...

US Supreme Court Blocks Biden Vaccine Mandate for Private Business, but Not Health Care Workers
Washington, D.C. - The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday, January 13th, blocked an emergency federal rule requiring large private employers nationwide, ...

Four years since Hurricane Maria, memorial with the Silent Procession NYC4PR
Sunday September 19th, 2021, marked four years since Hurricane Maria ravaged the island of Puerto Rico leaving the Caribbean island in complete darkn ...

House Passes Marijuana Banking Bill With Bipartisan Support in time for 420 Day
Yesterday, was the annual celebration 4/20 Marijuana Day, or also referred to Cannabis Day. Fitting that new legislation to further legalize and faci ...

Puerto Rico Statehood is fundamentally a question of whether the US accepts to be multinational
Washington D.C. - April 14th, a very heated and in-depth discussion about Puerto Rico's status was held via a live stream by the U.S. Congress Natura ...

Domestic Terrorist for Trump attack the US Capitol
Washington D.C. - The legacy of Donald Trump's presidency began by dividing the Nation and even in his last moments in office he will leave with a di ...

New York’s 2020 congressional election results
This is a historic election which has kept many up way through the night, and New York has over two dozen congressional races to decide this year, n ...