Jimmy Fallon and Robert Irwin Mimic Cardi B to Speak to a Kookaburra Bird


Cardi B is known for her bird call to fans, and it turns out, real-life conservationists like Robert Irwin are putting it to good use.

The 14-year-old son of the late Steve Irwin appeared on Wednesday’s Tonight Show where he introduced host Jimmy Fallon to a variety of wildlife. One such animal was Cookie the Kookaburra bird.

“These are kind of my alarm clocks back at home in Australia,” Robert told Fallon of the long-beaked bird. “They make these really loud calls. It kind of sounds like, you know the rapper Cardi B?”

Robert then imitated Cardi B, encouraging Fallon to do the same, in an effort to get the Kookaburra to call out. Fallon’s energetic Cardi B impression confused the bird, who sadly did not call out.

“They’re predators, everything’s based on movement, so any little animal they see that’s moving they’re right on it, and they attack,” Robert said as the bird turned to a scared Fallon. “So don’t make any sudden movements.”

Robert also opened up about paying tribute to his late father at his Hollywood Walk of Fame star ceremony last month.

“It was such an amazing honor, really, a true honor for us because he’s really one of the only conservationists honored on the Walk of Fame, so it’s great to continue his message and really keep his dream alive,” he said, noting the star is located next to his father’s favorite artist, Johnny Cash.

Robert brought out his mother and sister, Terri and Bindi Irwin, to introduce Fallon to what his dad called “frogs with sharp teeth” – the American alligator.

For more from the Irwins, watch the clip below!


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