Republicans almost 2 to 1 Democrats on Equality

Republicans almost 2 to 1 Democrats on Equality

When it comes to politics, it’s never a sure thing what you are going get after a candidate gets to into office. One thing is certain, and that is that they begin to show their true colors, often very early on after they are appointed. Only to play the game of politics and mirage of promises to its constituents soon before the next elections comes around. What shouldn’t be surprising to anyone, yet, many are currently up on arms over is President Donald Trump’s recent announcement that he doesn’t support Statehood for Puerto Rico due to his disapproval of current island leaders, specifically directing himself to the mayor of San Juan, which ironically campaigns against Statehood (let’s not confuse this with the majority of the island that currently does support Statehood).


We have seen Presidents for decades, including the Honorable Ronald Reagan, unsuccessfully campaign for Puerto Rico to become a State permanently joining the Republic of the United States of America. So, somehow it wouldn’t be surprising, that Statehood could actually be accomplished under what would seemed as the most unlikely administration to accomplish such a feat. Yet, there is still another twist to this story.  On June of this year a bipartisan bill was introduced which seeks to make the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico the nation’s 51st State. This movement towards Statehood has been seen as part of the country’s efforts to bring forth equality to all its citizens, as a natural evolution of Democracy.  That sounds great, but then where is the twist?  The twist comes in that this bill is supported by 22 Republicans and ONLY 14 Democrats in Congress.

According to a quick Google search, as July of 2018 there were 197 Democrats in the House of Representatives and 22 in the Senate. Now, it’s any wonder why there weren’t more lawmakers from both sides of the aisles running to be the first to make history, or why any would want to be left out from such a historic undertaking.


The very fact that Republicans in Washington support this monumental effort for equality in US history nearly 2 to 1 to Democrats is a huge eye opener, and reality check. As the old saying goes, “actions speak louder than word”.

