Learning Motor Skills With Coloring Books

Learning Motor Skills With Coloring Books

Learning motor skills is an essential part of a child’s development.  Often the question is how can you activate their interest while having the kids do things that will increase their positive development such eye to hand coordination, ability to trace and control of gestures.  As basic as it may seem, coloring books offer one of the simplest answers to this dilemma.  Coloring books are not only fun to look at, but they often offer an immediate peak in interest and engagement from children.  Making them nearly essential as a basic tool for children’s development.

Having kids decide which colors to use has the added benefit of the development of cognitive thinking, in addition to sparking their creativity.

Here are several of our favorite coloring books that can be order through Amazon for your kids to learn how to be creative, help develop hand coordination and have fun all in one.



Of course you can’t order coloring books without ordering a good set Crayola’s”