Tag: corruption

Possible electoral fraud in Rosselló’s election to the special commission
The electoral commissioner of the Popular Democratic Party (PPD), Gerardo ''Toñito'' Cruz, denounced that the vote cast by former Governor Ricardo Ro ...

Government of Puerto Rico Christmas Eve Heist
San Juan, Puerto Rico - Tainted with a legacy of corruption, the New Progressive Party (Partido Nuevo Progresita, a.ka. PNP for their Spanish transla ...

Puerto Rico Police Silence Protest Against Coronavirus Testing Corruption
Puerto Rico - On Wednesday, April 22nd, a group of protester gather in front of the Department of Health in Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, to protest over ...

FBI Investigates Puerto Rico government attempted over priced purchase of unapproved coronavirus tests for $40 million from company with ties to the PNP
Amid the coronavirus emergency, the government committed more than $40 million in purchases of rapid tests to detect the disease to companies with no ...

Mabel Cabeza fired after controversy over COVID-19 test kits and Manpower Contracts
The incoming Secretary of the Department of Health, Lorenzo González Feliciano, announced on Monday the dismissal of the now former employee of that a ...

Latest Corruption Scandal From Puerto Rico’s PNP Party
An expressionless Abel Nazario Quiñones heard this afternoon the unanimous verdict of the jury that found him guilty on 28 of the 34 charges of presen ...

Puerto Rico Governor Lie and Contradiction over Warehouse
Puerto Rico - Governor Wanda Vázquez Garced admitted that she knew of the existence of the warehouse in Ponce with supplies after days in which she ai ...

Puerto Rico Protest, Wanda Vazquez, Pedro Pierluisi, Lies, Denials, $890,000 Warehouse Rentals
San Juan, Puerto Rico - Protesters are calling for Gov. Wanda Vazquez to resign Monday, after emergency supplies were found unused in a locked warehou ...

Puerto Rico Legislature to Gov. Rosselló: Resign or impeachment process begins
An investigation commissioned by the House of Representatives found five offenses that constitute grounds for impeachment.
The Puerto Rican Legisla ...

Ricardo Rossello Immenent Resagnation and Who is Next
San Juan, PR - Initially in the evening of Tuesday July 24th social media outlets began to leak information that Ricardo Rossello was finally resignin ...