Tag: Mandates

NYC Eric Adams fold to athletes pressure to relax vax mandates, but not for city workers
NEW YORK CITY -- New York City's mayor Eric Adams is said to announce on Thursday that he's exempting athletes and performers from the city's vaccine ...

Eric Adams is NYC’s version of Justin Trudeau “No Jab, No Job”
Many may remember a newly elected mayor Eric Adams that inspired a short-lived hope for democracy when he agreed to meet with the loud fringe minorit ...

Thousands march in Washington DC for Defeat The Mandates
Washington D.C. - A historical moment transcended in Washington D.C. on Sunday, January 23rd, 2022. The overwhelming diversity of cultures, religions ...

US Supreme Court Blocks Biden Vaccine Mandate for Private Business, but Not Health Care Workers
Washington, D.C. - The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday, January 13th, blocked an emergency federal rule requiring large private employers nationwide, ...

OSHA suspends Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has suspended enforcement of the Biden administration’s sweeping COVID-19 vaccine mandate for large ...

Biden Democrat or Dictator? Vaccine Mandates tyranny on millions of American workers
When you hear of a government forcing citizens against their will you may immediately think of Communist China or a corrupted third world country und ...