Tag: Money

Why the DOW has gone up over 124 years?
In the event that you didn't notice, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI) crossed 30,000 for the first time ever last week.
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Make Money in the Stock Market for 2021
If you’re an investor wondering which sectors may do well in 2021, keep an eye on those that would benefit from a dose of pre-Covid normalcy.

Puerto Rican Rey Rivera Mysterious Death in Netflix Top Streams
Netflix Series "Unresolved Mysteries" is streaming the hairy and certainly mysterious death of Rey Rivera. The unresolved death in Baltimore of a youn ...

Bull on a Bear Market, When We Replace Toilet Paper with Dollars
Amazon reached a whopping P/E of 99x. Looking back, we've seen the stock market rise to all time highs from it's 2009 lows of the Dow Jones Industrial ...

Coronavirus Federal Checks For People
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) released a massive economic stimulus bill Thursday to fight the coronavirus’s fallout, even as oppositi ...

Michael Avenatti charged with stealing almost $300K from Stormy Daniels
Federal prosecutors filed additional charges against high-profile attorney Michael Avenatti on Wednesday, claiming the frequent White House critic poc ...