Benefits of coffee for health

Benefits of coffee for health

You wake up with it, stay to talk to someone at the sip of a good coffee or top off a fantastic meal by making a table with a stimulating cup. This may be the biggest advantage of its consumption: take it together. But the truth is that in recent years there are more and more scientific studies that reveal the benefits of coffee for health.

Coffee consumption in moderation has a positive impact on our health; We must not lose sight of the fact that it is of natural origin and has two components that are so important for our well-being, such as caffeine and antioxidants.

In fact, it seems that as the research progresses, its advantages increase, so let’s see what are the benefits of scientifically proven coffee.

The 5 main benefits of coffee

1. Contains essential nutrients.
First of all, a cup contains vitamins B2 and B5, magnesium, potassium and niacin. And also, it is the largest source of antioxidants, more than fruit or vegetables.

2. Improves aspects of brain function
Caffeine is the most consumed psychoactive in the world and the most important asset of this drink.

Just consume it acts in the brain, increasing substances such as dopamine or norepinephrine and accelerating brain activity. This, for example, favors concentration, memory, mood, energy levels, reaction times or cognitive function in general.

3. It helps to burn fat
Caffeine is present in most nutritional supplements that help you lose weight. It is one of the few natural substances that promotes fat burning. eye! Excessive consumption reduces this effect.

4. Improves physical performance
Another advantage of caffeine is that it increases adrenaline levels. Which means that fat cells break down body fat and release it as free fatty acids, which we use as fuel when we exercise.

This is one of the main reasons that explains why athletes drink coffee before competing.

5. Prevents diseases
Another of its main benefits is that it directly affects the prevention of diseases and pathologies. Coffee reduces the risk of diseases such as:


Various studies reveal that people who consume coffee are less at risk of diabetes. Some even dare to give figures: up to 67% less chance of having this disease.

Neurodegenerative diseases

Despite the progressive aging of the population, diseases such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease still have no cure. However, it seems that thanks to caffeine there is a 65% less chance of having Alzheimer’s and up to 60% of suffering Parkinson’s. In fact, the consumption of decaffeinated coffee has not shown either of these two advantages.


Other studies conclude that who drinks more than 4 coffees a day has an 80% less chance of suffering from Cirrhosis. Although of course, that is not the recommended consumption.


Drinking between 2 and 4 cups of coffee a day also reduces the risk of depression, especially in women. Research conducted by Harvard University says it even reduces the possibility of suicide by up to 50% less likely.

Heart attack

And here the great paradox. Although it is well known that caffeine increases blood pressure, it reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and even prevents the possibility of heart attack.

Certain types of cancer

Finally the benefits of coffee against cancer. Coffee has been shown to reduce the risk of preventing different types of cancer, such as colon, breast or prostate cancer, among others.

In short, there are many and varied benefits of coffee for health. However, remember that your consumption should be moderate. Nothing in excess is good. That’s why we recommend you not drink more than 4-5 cups a day.