Tag: governor

FBI thwarts militia plot to kidnap, assassinate Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer
The FBI has thwarted a plot by a Michigan militia group to kidnap and assassinate Gov. Gretchen Whitmer — and overthrow the state government.
At l ...

Puerto Rico Supreme Court Determined Pierluisi Governorship Unconstitutional
In a unanimous resolution by the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico, made public shortly after 1 pm, it was established that Law 7 does not justify the swea ...

Puerto Rican’s across the country demand Ricardo Rossello to resign
The walls of La Fortaleza rumbled last night with shouts of "Ricky, resign!" And "Out, out!" shouted by thousands of protesters who came to Old San Ju ...

Governor of Puerto Rico Announces HUD Federal Exemptions For The Island
Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rosselló Nevares announced today that the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) approved ex ...
Puerto Rico Governor and Resident Commissioner at odds over a federal coordinator
Washington - Although Governor Ricardo Rosselló Nevares rejected the idea of appointing a federal coordinator for the island´s reconstruction process, ...

Virginia Governor Says Okay To Kill Baby After Birth
A push by Virginia Democrats to loosen restrictions on late-term abortions is erupting into a fierce partisan clash because of a viral video in which ...

Puerto Rican Day Parade of 2018 – Had a Hero for “Americans First!”
One of New York City's most iconic events that overwhelms news outlets all over the United States and many parts of the world is this festive disp ...

New York Stands With Puerto Rico Breakfast
This morning's breakfast with the Governor of New York pre the 2018 Puerto Rican Parade had a set theme, "New York Stands With Puerto R ...