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Ex-Broker of UBS Puerto Rico Pleads Guilty

Ex-Broker of UBS Puerto Rico Pleads Guilty

  José G. Ramírez Arone Jr., a notorious financial investment broker known as the "Whopper", pleaded guilty on Friday for bank fraud in the Fe ...
Robert Mueller report on Donald Trump

Robert Mueller report on Donald Trump

  Special prosecutor Robert Mueller on Friday delivered his long-awaited final report on the controversial investigation into Russia that has ...
Kylie Jenner could be pregnant with her second child

Kylie Jenner could be pregnant with her second child

Is Kylie Jenner pregnant again? That's what some of his Instagram followers think. And it was the businesswoman herself who sparked speculation abo ...
Fox News Did Not Broadcast Pirro’s Program

Fox News Did Not Broadcast Pirro’s Program

Fox News presenter Jeanine Pirro's program was not aired a week after she questioned Congress representative Ilham Omar for wearing a Muslim hijab. No ...
New Zealand Massacre Puts Focus On Semi-Automatic Weapons

New Zealand Massacre Puts Focus On Semi-Automatic Weapons

The high number of deaths in the massacre at two mosques in New Zealand has put the focus on the lethality of the semi-automatic weapons used by the a ...
Captain Marvel: Who is the powerful heroine of the Marvel Universe?

Captain Marvel: Who is the powerful heroine of the Marvel Universe?

No one doubts that Captain Marvel is one of the most powerful super heroines in the Marvel Universe. We already saw it and we have a list of the film' ...
Rally to Cancel Puerto Rico’s Debt – #CancelTheDebt

Rally to Cancel Puerto Rico’s Debt – #CancelTheDebt

  On March 13th, in the Southern District Federal Court of New York at 500 Pearl St. a group of citizens initially gathered inside the cou ...
United States suspends flights of Boeing 737 MAX 8 and 9 aircraft

United States suspends flights of Boeing 737 MAX 8 and 9 aircraft

  Donald Trump has announced that all Boeing 737 MAX 8 and 9 "aircraft will be effectively immobilized immediately" and states that the compan ...
Facebook Under Criminal Investigation

Facebook Under Criminal Investigation

New York federal prosecutors launched a criminal investigation against Facebook for sharing users' personal data with other companies, sometimes witho ...
Two actresses caught in a network of bribes to access elite universities in the US

Two actresses caught in a network of bribes to access elite universities in the US

At least 50 people have been indicted for a scandal of millionaire bribes to obtain the access of their children to elite universities in the United S ...